We all love a great butt don’t we?!
I know I do. I think I work those glute muscles way harder than any other muscle group. It seems like your early thirties are definitely the time to start focusing on building strong glutes before gravity can get a firm hold of them.
And pull them down… down… down!
LOL. Scary but true.
Seriously though, am I the only 30 something year old who has noticed their butt isn’t quite as perky and firm as those teenage years? 🙁
Well, no time like the present (no matter what age we are) to start fighting gravity.
I’ve developed a tough anti gravity glute sequence that the ladies in my gyms really, really love. Well- it’s probably more of a love/hate relationship actually.
I developed this program through trial and error really. As you know, I was a professional dancer for many years now turned fitness expert. I’ve seen it all, tried it all and heard it all so to speak. (Ladies at the gym and on the dance floor tend to speak their minds- sans filter if you know what I mean lol). “Can we work our butts today?” is a daily question asked by not one but many, many clients of mine.
So I’ve given them glute after glute after glute exercise until they can’t walk the next day. But none so great as the exercises we perform with one very small, very tough little blue band. And the best part about using this little blue band? You can take it EVERYWHERE. The band fits in your luggage, backpack, purse and pocket. So see… you really have no excuse not to get one. Oh and did I mention the cost is very reasonable. Like 7 bucks including tax. So if you’re on a budget, take a day off from your Starbucks coffee and go order a band on amazon.com. Trust me, you’ll start noticing a firmer, rounder, perkier “behind” within a few weeks.
Here’s the link for my fave brand… www.spri.com. Like I said, they are on amazon too. You can even start with a lighter resistance… they have a ton of options and colors!
And did anyone notice my little helpers? If you’ve got furry babies or the human kind, this is a great workout you can do while keeping an eye on them!
So let’s get to it then, shall we?
i. Start standing with the band around and just above both of your ankles. Bring your heels together in a small turnout/ small V position. Begin with the right leg. Using small, short motions both legs fully straight, sweep your right leg diagonally forward keeping tension in the band. Next, flex your heel and release some but not all of the band tension returning the heel back to your left one. Keep both hips level- the range of motion is small, only as big as level hips allow for. Repeat 30 times.
ii. Align both of your heels in turnout (first position/ small V). Sweep your right leg in a point directly to the side and return using a flexed heel to the left heel. Repeat at a quick pace for 30 total. Keep tension in the band. Keep both hips still and both legs straight at all times.
iii. Take your right heel to the left heel in your small turnout/ small V and now sweep a pointed right foot and leg diagonally behind you, returning to the original position with a flexed heel and tension in the band. Again, keep both legs straight and both hips level the entire time.
iv. Combining all three moves at a quick pace begin by sweeping your right leg forward and return to your first position. Immediately sweep your right leg directly to the side and back to center. Next sweep your right leg behind you and back to center. Repeat 30 sets (front to side to back is one set. Back to side to front is two sets).
Repeat i-iv all with the left leg.
Hint hint… the more you can pull your tummy in and lengthen your spine through the top of the crown of your head toward the sky, the easier the balance will be! Ground yourself on that standing leg by squeezing your glutes, keeping your toes open and chest tall.
The most important thing is to keep your legs straight and hips level! Start with a smaller range of motion. The stronger you get, the more range of motion you will have. Also remember, the standing leg with weight on it is the one with the activating glute! So when you switch sides and repeat everything on the left side, you’re going to feel a bit sore!
Work your way up to 50 reps each if you can. 🙂
Have fun… can’t wait to hear how this goes. Next week we start on part 2!
xx Shanna