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mode de vie fit shanna spa water

I could definitely use some spa water over here! We’ve got way too much Prosecco and house wine going on in Italy during our pre and post wedding celebrations! And the wedding celebration is another story… TBC… just as soon as I get back. I’ll give you guys the full story in many fun, colorful blogs to come! 🙂

As Anton and I venture to Florence, I’m starting to realize how much I miss my healthy routine.

Now don’t get me wrong… I don’t miss it enough to leave Italy a day early or anything lol. In fact, I am sure I could easily stay longer. But I definitely miss my weekly food prep and super clean eating.

So let’s talk spa water…

I like to call any water with fruit or veggies in it “spa water.” When I was younger my mother taught aqua aerobics classes at some very fancy spas and my sister and I would always accompany her. I fell in love with spa water back then! Strawberries with cucumbers, mint and lemon, blueberries with oranges… they’re just a few of my favorites.

What makes this water so yummy and nutritious for us you may ask? Well, first of all if you’re not a big water drinker but you like flavors, the added fruits and veggies will give your water a healthy, zero calorie taste. Why waste calories on a diet coke or sugared ice tea? Those sodas are SOOO bad for us not to mention all those pound packing calories they add to our diets. Yuck.

Water is an amazing thing. For starters, our bodies are made of 76% water. We need to drink at least half our body weight in ounces of water a day to stay healthy and properly hydrated. That’s A LOT of water for some people. So for those of you who don’t really like the taste of plain water, spa water is a magical potion!

Water infuses whatever is put into it. Pineapple, berries, watermelon, mint, lemon, lime, grapefruit and cilantro to name just a few potential tastes. These infused waters provide us with extra vitamins and minerals and can also help us fight inflammation and bloat by staying hydrated and flushing all of the toxins out of our system.

mode de vie fit shanna spa water

Pineapple, turmeric, cucumber and lemon/lime is a favorite concoction of mine when I am feeling “puffy.”

Yes, puffiness is one of the most annoying things ever because I’m never exactly sure where it’s coming from. I’m super sensitive so some foods and drinks (well primarily alcohol lol) make me extremely puffy. The anti inflammatory ingredients of the pineapple and turmeric totally help flush out my system and rid my excess water retention. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but drinking more water actually helps you lose any excess water your body is retaining!

Adding herbs to your water is also a great way to add extra flavor and they’re known to AID DIGESTION. Yep, the aroma and taste of these herbs aids in the release of saliva which prepares our tummies for food. Enzymes released in our saliva help the body to break down starches and fats. If these enzymes are not properly triggered, we can experience bloat, cramping and constipation. So next time you’re feeling bloated, try adding a few herbs to your water and having a glass about 15 minutes before your next meal. Any leftover herbs? Add them to your meal for more digestive aid!

Another favorite recipe of mine is lemon water with mint and cucumber. Cucumbers also help with puffiness, mint helps to give you fresh breath and lemon also aids your digestion and helps regulate your system so you can go to the bathroom easier.

The list goes on and on… anyone still on the fence about fancy “spa water?” I hope not. Trust me, it tastes delicious and has so many great properties. Not to mention it’s dirt cheap. Grab a pitcher, fill it with filtered or alkaline water, add a few of the above ingredients and enjoy. It’s so much less expensive than grabbing a soda or coffee at your local grocery store and it has way more redeeming properties!

So don’t forget to prep your spa water every two days! Have it ready and waiting for you in the fridge. For freshness, it’s a good idea to dump the water and recreate your infusion every 48 hours. Creating your water is SO EASY to do, it’s fun to vary it up too.

Did I miss any ingredients you guys prefer? Send me your recipes, I’d love to try them please!

xx Shanna

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