I feel like the first year of a relationship is all about the TRYING.
We want to impress our significant other with our personality, looks, intelligence, wit and style.
Ladies, we make sure our hair is perfectly done, our makeup is on and our clothes make us feel radiant sexy, hot, beautiful, right?
Men, on the other hand, are just trying to stay afloat. You guys are doing your best to not screw up, to find new and nice dinner spots, to open our car doors and not look surprised when you’ve completely forgotten our month six, ten and year anniversaries.
Believe me, I get it. Us girls are not easy. But then, neither are the boys. Ahhh and so the saying goes, women are from Venus and men are from Mars. That about sums it up don’t you agree?
WELL… what happens after the first year when you’ve tried to play his and her sports, you’ve been to all the local hangouts, you’ve been trying new restaurants, you walk the dog together, and you regularly hit the beach? Things start to get a bit “normal” wouldn’t you say? Maybe even boring? You tend to relax and not plan things. You hang out and watch TV. Or maybe the big date of the week revolves around food and alcohol?
Are you with me? Technology, food and alcohol. Those are three big NO’s right there! Yes, they’re all fun at certain times, but they can’t be your go-to every single date. At least if you want to keep things exciting!!
So Anton and I had a bit of this going on after our first year. We get super busy. He works hard and comes home at 9pm some nights. I’m up at 5am teaching ten hours a day and working on my blog. Before marriage, we both lived together, were fully committed, comfortable, and confident in our relationship. So what next? No one can spend all of their Friday and Saturday nights resting at home or out drinking and eating… not only is it unhealthy and super uncreative, it’s uh-oh-so-boring!
Yep, you heard me, BORING! And remember how I get bored fast. I always need something new and exciting to do. I don’t like going to the same place twice unless it’s REALLY REALLY and I mean REALLY good.
Well, I brought this up to Anton and we discussed it. He agreed we both needed to do something fun each week or weekend that’s new or at the very least, a challenge and exciting. We can’t travel every weekend (although I’d love to 🙂 ) so we needed to get creative at home!
And this is how it came to pass that I had my first sailing lesson!
I’ve sailed the San Diego bay with friends on many occasions. I love it. I’m a water creature for sure- any water, lake or sea, open ocean, I love it all. So imagine my excitement when Anton planned and surprised me with a sailing lesson!
Initially, I had no clue what we were going to do. He told me to wear casual clothes and sneakers with a jacket. Then we drove straight to shelter island’s marina.
I was soooo stoked! I’ve not forgotten my favorite line in the movie High Society when Grace Kelly tells Bing Crosby, “oh my wasn’t she yare.” Ever since then, I’ve wanted to sail on a boat so I could say the exact thing! I know… I just cannot help myself HAH.
The best thing about sailing? You are outdoors enjoying the fresh air doing something together as a team. Anton packed us a picnic basket lunch of smoked salmon, cucumbers covered in caviar, crackers and champagne. See… we even fit eating and drinking into our activity LOL.
We totally enjoyed a workout. I would say it was more mental than physical, but definitely challenging.
Sailing is NOT easy. There are so many things you have to think about. The terminology is intense. The ropes and tools you use are also somewhat intimidating (probably more so for a girlie girl like me, Anton seemed to enjoy figuring everything out quite easily). And you have to be quick on your feet. Moving around constantly, always monitoring where you are and where you are headed.
Could I have thought of this myself? Most definitely. But it made it so much more special to me that my partner in life, my Anton actually listened to me and thought of the surprise himself.
Guys, if you’re reading this, please listen up. Girls LOVE a good surprise. We LOVE it when you listen to us and take the initiative to plan something for us. Whether it be simple or challenging, the surprise itself is spectacular to us and we will adore you for it!
It’ll be my turn to return the favor next so any ideas you guys may have on some fun, unique, random and hilarious activity… bring it on and please please share!
xx Shanna