Soooo… I am not known as the chef who slaves away in the kitchen for hours at a time. If there’s a shortcut to cooking, I am definitely taking it! I prefer simple, easy dishes which, lucky for me, also happen to turn into the most healthy and fresh meals ever. YAY for that!
Lettuce is one of those pain in the butt, time consuming kitchen prep items. I am always opting for the pre-packaged, pre-washed lettuce bags. I mean, it’s a no brainer, right?
Except when I’m entertaining guests and decide to make romaine lettuce wraps. PANIC!
Lucky for me, I spent years hanging out with my Grandma in the kitchen and I suddenly remember her showing me how to prep the crunchiest, yummiest salad lettuce possible. Not only is the lettuce crisp and clean, but it stays that way FOR DAYS.
No joke. Now if only I had the patience to prep my lettuce like this every week and not just for guests :)!
+ 1 head of Romaine lettuce
+ 1 large strainer
+ lots of ice cubes
+ your kitchen sink
Start by separating your lettuce pieces. It’s easiest if you can keep the pieces large, so I recommend you handle the lettuce with some finesse! Thoroughly wash and clean each piece and place them vertically in your strainer. Pour a bunch of ice cubes over the lettuce and let the lettuce sit for an hour. Yes, you heard me, an hour! The ice and its coolness is what helps get the lettuce so crispy. Next, remove the lettuce and spread out onto a paper towel. Let sit for about thirty minutes and pat dry any excess water. Place your lettuce in a large plastic ziplock bag and maybe throw in a paper towel or two to draw out any excess moisture. Refrigerate for a few hours, serve and enjoy!

xx Shanna