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mode de vie fit shanna rising moon over the tides
A rising moon over the tides

Here I am almost ready to go home and enjoy some solid food, WHOOOHOOO!!

I’ve enjoyed a ton of super interesting lectures on a variety of health topics but this one was especially fun and I just had to share. Let me know what you guys think, okay?!

US and the MOON let’s get started!

Do you ever feel more energetic at a certain part of the month?

Do you sleep restlessly during a full moon?

I know I do! So let’s’ start with this. Remember in third or fourth grade we were told that our bodies are composed of over 70% water? Well, they still are. It’s pretty amazing to think of our body composition as 76% water plus 50 trillion cells and a hundred times more bacteria cells. Crazy huh?

So if that’s the case, the moon should have some sort of an impact on our daily lives, right? I mean, we can all see how the moon rules and changes the tides. It makes sense to me that our bodies and all the water composing them must also be affected by the moon.

mode de vie fit shanna Moon phases, elements of this image are provided by NASA
Moon phases in a 29.5 day lunar cycle

Let’s just take a moment and look at a few ways the moon could potentially effect us:

  1. The moon could regulate a woman’s menstrual cycle. Several studies have shown that as much as 30% of a group women studied had their period during a full moon. The menstrual cycle in reproductive women is usually 28 days, very similar to the length of a lunar phase which is about 29 days.
  2. A full moon may potentially effect surgery outcomes. According to a 2013 study, research published in the Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery journal showed that patients who had surgery during a full moon stayed in the hospital several days less than those patients who had their surgery during different lunar cycles.
  3. A full moon could leave you sleep deprived. Most people I know have a hard time sleeping during a full moon, me included. I’ve looked at several studies that argue the amount of sleep deprivation- some range from 5 minutes to 25 minutes of less sleep during a full moon. Some people say it’s because there’s more light at night making it harder to sleep. Others swear it’s the effects of the moon’s gravitational pull on the Earth.
  4. A full moon could cause odd behavior in animals and humans. Ever heard of the term lunatic? It is derived from the latin word “luna” for moon. A study on schizophrenia revealed what scientists thought was a 1.8% rise in increased violent or aggressive episodes during a full moon. Several more studies, on the other hand, offer no such support to back this up. Hmmm…. could it be we are all just a little bit superstitious and want to believe in vampires, witches and werewolves? 🙂

Maybe the moon and all of its 8 phases each month affect us? Maybe not? What do you guys think?

One thing I do know for certain… it’s really fun to investigate how the moon COULD affect us. It’s fun to hypothesize and imagine too.

And one last thing. This is a blog so it’s MY OPINION only… I’m not saying it works for everyone… but I do believe in setting intentions according to the moon’s phases and creating powerful, positive calls to action in our lives. Hey, maybe I’m completely off but something inside of me, call it intuition or faith, tells me the moon can help us set intentions, reach goals and live the lifestyle we want to live! It doesn’t hurt to take a chance and believe in something positive, does it?

TRY IT! Write down your intention during the next new moon… “I BLANK intend to…” then focus on that intention you’ve set and make it happen!

Can’t wait to hear what you guys think! Check out my friend Claudia’s Facebook page for more info if you’re interested in this moon power stuff! 🙂 Her recent lecture I attended inspired this blog!

xx Shanna


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