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Describe a typical date night.


More than likely it’s eating out and drinking at a restaurant. If you’re in the mood to get creative, maybe you go see a movie or attend a theatrical performance.  But somehow, food and alcohol are more often than not, always INVOLVED.

Can we say BORING.


I mean sure, eating out and having a cocktail or two is great. I really enjoy it don’t get me wrong. But how many times in a row can you do this?

If you’re in a longterm relationship, you’re going to get bored and out of shape, FAST.

If you’re out dating and playing the field, there are only so many places you can go to before you start seeing the same faces… and by faces I mean that guy you went out with last weekend. LOL.

Besides, if you’re looking for a long term relationship, wouldn’t you want to find out what other things your new man is into? I know I would. And if the relationship is becoming long term, it’s about time to spice things up!

This is a fitness and lifestyle blog after all, so LET’S GET SPICY AND PHYSICAL!

The gym is a great place to start for newer couples or couples going on their 5th or 6th date. Why do I say this? Because most men feel at home in the gym where they know they can pump iron and lift weights heavier than us girls. I say this ladies simply because their anatomy naturally allows them to lift heavier than we can. Not because I’m sexist or anything.

Let’s face it girls, we all know how men can be. The worst thing we can do is take them out on date 5 and crush them in a tennis match or beat them in a long distance ocean swim. TRUST ME, I’ve totally done this and more many a time, LOL. Hey maybe that’s why it’s taken me so long to find the right guy, hmmm… I finally started listening to my mother when she said, “let the guy win.” HA HA… it’s really hard if you’re competitive, but come on girls, we can do it!

mode de vie fit shanna date night at the gym meg and rod

SO like I said, the gym is more of a level playing field. Heck girls, we can even play dumb and ask the guys to show us how to use all the equipment. Men LOVE being asked for help when it comes to stuff like this. In today’s world of feminism, I think they really enjoy feeling needed. In my brash opinion, feminism has kind of taken this “feeling of being needed” away from them in many ways.

Maybe we let them show off with the heavy weights and we take off on the treadmill or kill it jumping high onto one of those big step platforms? Make it fun! I’m not saying we can’t turn up the competitive heat, I’m just saying we need to be aware of the male brain and how psychology works. 🙂

mode de vie fit shanna date night at the gym meg and rod

Then, after earning your calories and feeling great after your workout gets all of those endorphins going, you can enjoy a casual dinner in your sweaty clothes. You can both let down your guard. I think you’ll find you become much more down to earth and REAL.

REALNESS… now let’s get deep. Getting real is seeing each other at the gym, no makeup and sweat pouring down your face. It’s being willing to go natural and race off to a casual dinner to get to know each other. It’s spending quality time together doing something healthy for your bodies. Men love stuff like this. As a woman, I know I totally do too.

Sometimes I think us ladies get so caught up in trying to look perfect, that we forget these men want to get to know us for who we are and what we look like sans caked makeup all over our faces and mascara running down our cheeks. As a woman, I totally want to see my man’s reaction when I am wearing zero makeup, my hair is a disaster and my sexy workout clothes are drenched in sweat. (Oh yeah, that’s me every day LOL, sheesh… I may be one of those girls who needs to make more effort in the other direction I swear).

If a man can’t hang with us all sweaty and natural, they seriously aren’t worth another second of our thoughts.

Well… that’s my gutsy opinion on the subject of dating and the gym. Now what’s yours?

xx Shanna


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