Hi Guys! Happy Monday!
So I just got back from the gym totally exhausted by my “wedding” trainer. I mean, I can feel just about every muscle in my legs and back. I can only imagine how sore I’ll be tomorrow, lol.
I’m in full on wedding and weight loss mode hahaha… with just one month to go until the big day. I honestly have not been paying attention to exactly how many days we have left until I lose my freedom hahaha, and quite honestly, I DO NOT want to know. I’ve got like 982734986 things left to do and that’s considering how OCD and organized I am. I cannot imagine someone who cringes at the thought of organization and detail planning a wedding. Thank God for wedding planners!
Btw I told Anton this was the last wedding I WILL EVER HAVE. He says he’s really happy about that- LOL.
Okay so back to my idea for writing today’s blog! Working out hard with intensity for 45 minutes to an hour FEELS GREAT! I’ve got my endorphin high so my mood is super happy and positive. I finished work early today knowing I was about to have a tough training session and since I was feeling so good, I called my babe and asked if he wanted me to run a late lunch over to him.
Starving after his own 9 mile “shredding for the wedding” run… my future husband happily accepted my offer.
As I kissed him goodbye I thought of how lucky I was to be engaged to such an amazing man. (I sound sooo cheezy don’t I? But that’s truly how I feel!) And then I got to thinking… seriously I get these random thoughts popping into my head all the time for the blog you guys! If workouts make me, Anton and everyone else this happy and positive, why not work out together? I mean, workouts are great for the individual, right? They create positive energy, tone our bodies, help us sweat out all those toxins, and give us the endorphine induced “happy feeling.”
SOO… this whole subject got me thinking A LOT. Who needs couples therapy when you can literally “workout” your problems together on a run, walk, bike ride or hike? You don’t even have to talk, really. (Trust me we’ve tried it and had great success!) Or try talking AFTER your workout when you’re in a much better place, mentally. I mean sometimes after a great cardio, I can’t even remember the bad mood I was in before, what happened, or who I was mad at.
Exercise is a happy drug if you ask me. It puts us all in a happier place regardless of age, weight, ability and experience. I notice it with Anton, my clients, my family… EVERYONE.
Exercise has been proven to help clinically depressed individuals. When we feel good about ourselves and our bodies we become happier people. So in other words, why not try this with our significant other and call it our “couples workout therapy?”
I think it’s a great idea. Oh and did I mention it won’t cost you or your insurance carrier a penny?!
In today’s world we can really count on two kinds of professionals being in our lives at one time: lawyers and psychiatrists! Well, what if we could do a better job of solving our own problems? What if instead of getting all upset and “in our heads” so much, we could just go for a run or swim or walk?
Forget the booze… forget the yelling… forget the screaming… forget the local shrink. Let out all of that tension in your workout!
No one’s life is perfect nor is anyone’s relationship perfectly happy 100% of the time. Life is about challenges, up’s and down’s, high’s and low’s. For me it’s all about how we handle those challenges and how we treat people. I recognize that exercise gives me a clear head and a positive state of mind. In other words, exercise makes me a better person.
Exercising with Anton is just plain fun! He gets so silly as you can see in the photos and makes faces. Sometimes I don’t need to do abs because my laughing has done them for me lol. He also motivates me and pushes me in ways I probably wouldn’t push myself. I also secretly enjoy working out with him because I can work on his posture- ahh… someday he will stand straight up just like a dancer heeheehee!
Now I’d be completely negligent if I didn’t mention working out together as a couple is also a great way to spend healthy, quality time together. It’s also a great way to stay in shape and look good for one another. I want to be proud of my body and I also want Anton to be proud of my body and vice versa. I also want Anton to live a VERY VERY long time… exercise will definitely help with that!
And hey… it doesn’t hurt when your man develops some nice biceps and an eight pack, does it?!
Bottom line, working out together as a couple can be very therapeutic. I guarantee it will give you a more positive outlook on your relationship and your life as a couple in general. And it definitely beats hitting the bar and developing a massive hangover the next day after saying things you really didn’t mean to say, doesn’t it?
Here are a few simple ideas to get you and your BAE started!!
- Go for a run, swim, walk or bike ride.
- If you’re really upset with eachother, workout in silence and save the talking for later.
- Throw in some competitive sprints.
- Do some squats holding eachother’s hand for balance, earning trust!
- Do pushups.
- Do a series of lunges.
- Add some jumping jacks.
- Jump on his back and make him run with you on there for 30 seconds!
- Laugh.
- Make stuff up! Get dirty, run in the water, give eachother positive comments when you’re ready!
Well, let’s hear it. What do you guys think?
xx Shanna